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Lawn and Garden maintenance

Lawn Maintenance

We offer many different services including weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly

Garden Maintenance

We maintain the structure and life of your garden all year round! services include adding and removing mulch and plants, weeding, and much more!

Spring and Fall Clean Up

Fall and spring seasons come up on us extremely fast with lots of leaves, tree branches, trees needing removed, shrubs needing cut, weeds needing killed, bugs needing repelled and lots more! We will take care of all of your needs even including roof and gutter cleaning, pressure washing, window cleaning, and much more.

About us

My name is Jeffrey Smith and I started 3 Huskies Landscaping with many years of experience in the industry. Our goal is to work directly with clients to ensure their standards are met and we go above and beyond expectations. I truly enjoy the clients I work with and the jobs I have.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.